The Committee on Migration Research (KBnM PAN) is a problem committee at the Presidium of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Resolution No. 49/2023 of the Presidium of the Polish Academy of Sciences of 26 September 2023). It focuses on the studying of the migration processes from interdisciplinary perspective, with particular emphasis on human flows from, to, and in Poland - emigration, immigration and internal migration.

The Committee consists of 35 members appointed for the term 2023-2026 representing various disciplines and academic units.

Members of Executive Committee:

Prof. Magdalena Lesińska - University of Warsaw (Chairwoman)

Prof. Brygida Solga - Opole University of Technology (Deputy Chairwoman)

Prof. Jan Brzozowski - Jagiellonian University (Deputy Chairman)

Prof. Agnieszka Trąbka - Jagiellonian University (Secretary of the Committee) 

Prof. Agata Górny - University of Warsaw

Prof. Witold Klaus - Polish Academy of Science

Prof. Izabella Main - Adam Mickieiwcz University in Poznań

Prof. Dariusz Stola - Polish Academy of Science

Prof. Joanna Wojdon - University of Wrocław

The scope of activities of the Committee for Migration Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences includes
(according to the Resolution of the Presidium of the Polish Academy of Sciences No. 49/2023):
1) To analyse of Poland's new role in the European migration system and the related challenges for theory, methodology and practice at local, regional, national and international level.
2) To analyse the presence of migrants in Poland, in particular Ukrainian citizens.
3) To discuss migration policy for Poland: conditions, objectives and tools.
4) To analyse of the transformation of the Polish diaspora: dynamics of identity, organisational structures and relations with the country of origin.